
Some believe gemstones are symbolic, and/or have metaphysical healing properties. Wherever you stand, these tiny, luminous beauties from the earth have massively enchanted us through the ages. By their very earthly nature, they can be vitalising, grounding and comforting.

Amazonite is in the feldspar group of minerals, like labradorite and moonstone. It typically has a vibrant blueish-green colour, ranging from pastel or pale, to rich turquoise. If the metaphysical speaks to you, amazonite is said to soothe the spirit with its calming vibration.


Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz, in colours ranging from pale lilac to deep purple. If the metaphysical speaks to you, amethyst is thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness in those who wear it, and is often used during meditation to provide an overall sense of spiritual balance.

Birthstone: February
Wedding anniversary stone: 6th

Aventurine is a variety of translucent quartz with lots of small plate-shaped inclusions. When light reflects off these, it produces a shimmery appearance known as ‘aventurescence’. If the metaphysical speaks to you, green aventurine is thought to be the luckiest of all gemstones, especially in manifesting prosperity, and helps to bring optimism and joie de vivre.

Carnelian is a variety of the mineral chalcedony, ranging in warm colours of yellow-orange to rich, reddish-orange, to orangey brown. It varies from semi-opaque to highly translucent. If the metaphysical speaks to you, carnelian or the ‘artist’s stone’, is believed to inspire confidence and empowerment, and spark creative and sexual energy.

Birthstone: July, shared with ruby
Wedding anniversary stone: 17th

Citrine is the transparent yellow to amber-yellow variety of quartz – its name taken from the Old French word for lemon. It was particularly popular with the Pharaohs of Egypt, and in the Art Deco era. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is said that citrine is a stone of prosperity, positive energy and joy.

Birthstone: November
Wedding anniversary stone: 13th

Emeralds are a type of beryl, highly prized for their rich green colour. The natural inclusions in emeralds are sometimes referred to as ‘jardin’ or ‘garden’, because they can resemble plant foliage or moss. If the metaphysical speaks to you, emeralds are believed to be the stone of eternal love, with an energy of growth, renewal and fresh beginnings.

Birthstone: May
Wedding anniversary stone: 35th/55th

Most known to be red, garnet actually occurs naturally in a wide range of colours, from deep red to vibrant green, as well as subtle pinks and purple, to oranges and amber brown. If the metaphysical speaks to you, garnet is said to be a warming stone to open the heart, and inspire love and passion.

Birthstone: January, shared with rose quartz
Wedding anniversary stone: 2nd

Labradorite is a type of feldspar mineral, originally discovered in Labrador, Canada. It displays iridescence, an optical effect that when seen from different angles it displays flashes of violet, blue, green and yellow. If the metaphysical speaks to you, labradorite is said to be a stone of self-discovery, transformation and awakening intuitive abilities.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is a deep-blue metamorphic rock prized for its intense colour. Made up of multiple minerals, it includes tiny flecks of sparkly pyrite, which people often describe as ‘a night sky full of stars’. If the metaphysical speaks to you, lapis is believed to have a very high vibration, and is known for bringing wisdom, deep peace and protection.

Birthstone: September, shared with sapphire
Wedding anniversary stone: 9th

There is a wide range of opal varieties, but Cristin designs with natural Ethiopian Welo opals, which are clear or milky white with vivid ‘play-of-colour’ – the spectacular phenomena of ever-changing vibrant colour. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is said that opals are a stone of inspiration, creativity and enhancing one’s imagination.

Birthstone: October, shared with tourmaline
Wedding anniversary stone: 14th

Peach moonstone
Peach moonstone is a variety of moonstone and part of the mineral family of feldspars. They are relatively rare, and are prized for their soft glowing peach colour, pearly sheer and gold shimmer. If the metaphysical speaks to you, peach moonstones are believed to have a warm feminine energy, enhancing intuition, insight and creativity. 

Birthstone: June, shared with pearl
Wedding anniversary stone: 3rd

Smooth, lustrous pearls are prized as gems, though not gem
stones as such, as they’re uniquely formed within living creatures rather than in the earth. Natural pearls are super rare, so the majority of modern pearls are cultured. If the metaphysical speaks to you, they are thought to carry a luminous water energy, and symbolise wisdom, purity and femininity.

Birthstone: June, shared with moonstone
Wedding anniversary stone: 3rd

Rose quartz
Rose quartz is a translucent soft-pink to rose-red variety of quartz, abundant and found in large quantities around the world. If the metaphysical speaks to you, rose quartz is said to be the stone of the heart, giving off strong vibrations of love and joy, and bringing powerful emotional healing. It is believed to help attract love, romance and intimacy.

Birthstone: January, shared with garnet
Wedding anniversary stone: 5th

Rubies are a pinkish-red to blood-red coloured gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (same family as sapphire). Second only to diamonds, it is one of the hardest gems. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is believed that a ruby’s fiery energy brings passion, vitality and motivation.

Birthstone: July, shared with carnelian
Wedding anniversary stone: 40th

‘Sapphire’ usually refers to the blue variety of the corundum family of minerals, however they occur in a full rainbow of colours from spectacular blues, to green, yellow and pinks. They are second only to diamonds in durability. If the metaphysical speaks to you, sapphire is believed to attract abundance and blessings, and invite spiritual clarity.

Birthstone: September, shared with lapis lazuli
Wedding anniversary stone: 45th

Smoky quartz
Smoky quartz is a brownish-grey variety of crystalline quartz that ranges in clarity from almost complete transparency to nearly opaque brownish-grey or black. In Celtic cultures, it was sacred to the Druids. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is said that smoky quartz is a grounding stone – comforting, supportive and stabilising. 

Tiger’s Eye
Tiger's eye is a gemstone with a golden to red-brown colour and a warm, silky lustre. Inclusions of quartz and iron give the stone its striped appearance and an optical effect called chatoyancy (“chat” is French for cat). If the metaphysical speaks to you, Tiger’s Eye is a stone believed to clear negative energy, and grow confidence, strength and self-worth. 

Tourmaline can be found in a rainbow of colours, from red, pink, dark blue, electric blue and green, black, and even colour combinations like watermelon – pink and green. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is said that tourmaline is a grounding, protective gemstone, and inspires connection and creativity.

Birthstone (pink tourmaline): October, shared with opal
Wedding anniversary stone: 8th

Turquoise is an opaque gemstone that ranges in colour from sky blue to green. It can contain veins of other minerals known as matrix, usually brown or black in colour. If the metaphysical speaks to you, it is believed the water-like qualities of turquoise have a calming effect, promoting inner peace and positive energy.

Birthstone: December
Wedding anniversary stone: 11th